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Notes de cours
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Plein texte
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Tome 34 (2000)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
A model problem for boundary layers of thin elastic shells
Karamian, Philippe
Sanchez-Hubert, Jacqueline
Sanchez Palencia, Évarisite
p. 1-30
A moving mesh fictitious domain approach for shape optimization problems
Mäkinen, Raino A. E.
Rossi, Tuomo
Toivanen, Jari
p. 31-45
A domain splitting method for heat conduction problems in composite materials
Hebeker, Friedrich Karl
p. 47-62
Optimal error estimates for FEM approximations of dynamic nonlinear shallow shells
Lasiecka, Irena
Marchand, Rich
p. 63-84
Stabilization methods of bubble type for the
-element applied to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Knobloch, Petr
Tobiska, Lutz
p. 85-107
A singular perturbation problem in a system of nonlinear Schrödinger equation occurring in Langmuir turbulence
Galusinski, Cédric
p. 109-125
Instability of the eikonal equation and shape from shading
Barnes, Ian
Zhang, Kewei
p. 127-138
-stability of the upwind first order finite volume scheme for the Maxwell equations in two and three dimensions on arbitrary unstructured meshes
Piperno, Serge
p. 139-158
Residual based a posteriori error estimators for eddy current computation
Beck, Rudi
Hiptmair, Ralf
Hoppe, Ronald H. W.
Wohlmuth, Barbara
p. 159-182
On a 2D vector Poisson problem with apparently mutually exclusive scalar boundary conditions
Guermond, Jean-Luc
Quartapelle, Luigi
Zhu, Jiang
p. 183-200
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Special Issue for R. Temam's 60th birthday
Perthame, B.
Serre, D.
Strang, G.
p. viii-ix
Fast singular oscillating limits and global regularity for the 3D primitive equations of geophysics
Babin, Anatoli
Mahalov, Alex
Nicolaenko, Basil
p. 201-222
Computation of bifurcated branches in a free boundary problem arising in combustion theory
Baconneau, Olivier
Brauner, Claude-Michel
Lunardi, Alessandra
p. 223-239
Local solutions for stochastic Navier Stokes equations
Bensoussan, Alain
Frehse, Jens
p. 241-273
Zero-dissipation limit for nonlinear waves
Bona, Jerry L.
Wu, Jiahong
p. 275-301
Boundary conditions on artificial frontiers for incompressible and compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Bruneau, Charles-Henri
p. 303-314
Fluids with anisotropic viscosity
Chemin, Jean-Yves
Desjardins, Benoît
Gallagher, Isabelle
Grenier, Emmanuel
p. 315-335
On the mathematical analysis and optimization of chemical vapor infiltration in materials science
Ditkowski, Adi
Gottlieb, David
Sheldon, Brian W.
p. 337-351
Limiting behavior for an iterated viscosity
Foias, Ciprian
Jolly, Michael S.
Manley, Oscar P.
p. 353-376
Geometrically nonlinear shape-memory polycrystals made from a two-variant material
Kohn, Robert V.
Niethammer, Barbara
p. 377-398
solution and exact boundary controllability for reducible quasilinear hyperbolic systems
Li, Ta-Tsien
Rao, Bopeng
Jin, Yi
p. 399-408
Least regret control, virtual control and decomposition methods
Lions, Jacques-Louis
p. 409-418
Structural evolution of the Taylor vortices
Ma, Tian
Wang, Shouhong
p. 419-437
An adaptive multi-level method for convection diffusion problems
Marion, Martine
Mollard, Adeline
p. 439-458
Dynamic programming for the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
Da Prato, Giuseppe
Debussche, Arnaud
p. 459-475
Numerical approximations of the relative rearrangement : the piecewise linear case. Application to some nonlocal problems
Rakotoson, Jean-Michel
Seoane, Maria Luisa
p. 477-499
On a model system for the oblique interaction of internal gravity waves
Saut, Jean-Claude
Tzvetkov, Nikolay
p. 501-523
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
Analysis of the hydrostatic approximation in oceanography with compression term
Chacón Rebollo, Tomás
Lewandowski, Roger
Chacón Vera, Eliseo
p. 525-537
Some models of Cahn-Hilliard equations in nonisotropic media
Miranville, Alain
p. 539-554
Existence of solutions for an elliptic-algebraic system describing heat explosion in a two-phase medium
Barillon, Cristelle
Makhviladze, Georgy M.
Volpert, Vitaly A.
p. 555-573
Around 3D Boltzmann non linear operator without angular cutoff, a new formulation
Alexandre, Radjesvarane
p. 575-590
Optimal convergence rates of
mortar finite element methods for second-order elliptic problems
Ben Belgacem, Faker
Seshaiyer, Padmanabhan
Suri, Manil
p. 591-608
Existence for an unsteady fluid-structure interaction problem
Grandmont, Céline
Maday, Yvon
p. 609-636
A Legendre spectral collocation method for the biharmonic Dirichlet problem
Bialecki, Bernard
Karageorghis, Andreas
p. 637-662
Stability of microstructure for tetragonal to monoclinic martensitic transformations
Bělík, Pavel
Luskin, Mitchell
p. 663-685
An upwinding mixed finite element method for a mean field model of superconducting vortices
Chen, Zhiming
Du, Qiang
p. 687-706
Un algorithme d'identification de frontières soumises à des conditions aux limites de Signorini
Chaabane, Slim
Jaoua, Mohamed
p. 707-722
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
Asymptotic formulas for perturbations in the electromagnetic fields due to the presence of inhomogeneities of small diameter
Vogelius, Michael S.
Volkov, Darko
p. 723-748
On the convergence of SCF algorithms for the Hartree-Fock equations
Cancès, Eric
Le Bris, Claude
p. 749-774
Error control and adaptivity for a phase relaxation model
Chen, Zhiming
Nochetto, Ricardo H.
Schmidt, Alfred
p. 775-797
Structural properties of solutions to total variation regularization problems
Ring, Wolfgang
p. 799-810
About stability of equilibrium shapes
Dambrine, Marc
Pierre, Michel
p. 811-834
Un problème spectral issu d'un couplage élasto-acoustique
Durán, Mario
Nédélec, Jean-Claude
p. 835-857
Hermite pseudospectral method for nonlinear partial differential equations
Guo, Ben-Yu
Xu, Cheng-Long
p. 859-872
Rigorous derivation of Korteweg-de Vries-type systems from a general class of nonlinear hyperbolic systems
Ben Youssef, Walid
Colin, Thierry
p. 873-911
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 5
Un schéma d’interpolation rationnel sur un quadrilatère de classe
Laghchim-Lahlou, Mohammed
p. 913-922
Bipolar barotropic non-newtonian compressible fluids
MatuŠů-Nečasová, Šárka
Medvidová-Lukáčová, Mária
p. 923-934
On the domain geometry dependence of the LBB condition
Chizhonkov, Evgenii V.
Olshanskii, Maxim A.
p. 935-951
More pressure in the finite element discretization of the Stokes problem
Bernardi, Christine
Hecht, Frédéric
p. 953-980
Existence results for unilateral quasistatic contact problems with friction and adhesion
Cocu, Marius
Rocca, Rémi
p. 981-1001
Adaptive wavelet methods for saddle point problems
Dahlke, Stephan
Hochmuth, Reinhard
Urban, Karsten
p. 1003-1022
Integral equations via saddle point problem for 2D electromagnetic problems
Bartoli, Nathalie
Collino, Francis
p. 1023-1049
Dual combined finite element methods for non-newtonian flow (II). Parameter-dependent problem
Ming, Pingbing
Shi, Zhong-Ci
p. 1051-1067
On the asymptotic analysis of a non-symmetric bar
Majd, Abderrazzak
p. 1069-1085
Finite volume box schemes and mixed methods
Croisille, Jean-Pierre
p. 1087-1106
Analysis of the hydrostatic approximation in oceanography with compression term
Chacón Rebollo, Tomás
Lewandowski, Roger
Chacón Vera, Eliseo
p. 1107
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 6
Splitting d'opérateur pour l'équation de transport neutronique en géométrie bidimensionnelle plane
Akesbi, Samir
p. 1109-1122
Convergence rate of a finite volume scheme for the linear convection-diffusion equation on locally refined meshes
Coudière, Yves
Villedieu, Philippe
p. 1123-1149
On the distribution of free path lengths for the periodic Lorentz gas II
Golse, François
Wennberg, Bernt
p. 1151-1163
Convergence analysis for an exponentially fitted finite volume method
Vanselow, Reiner
p. 1165-1188
Embedding and a priori wavelet-adaptivity for Dirichlet problems
Rieder, Andreas
p. 1189-1202
Some new results in multiphase geometrical optics
Runborg, Olof
p. 1203-1231
On a shape control problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations
Gunzburger, Max D.
Kim, Hongchul
Manservisi, Sandro
p. 1233-1258
Central schemes and contact discontinuities
Kurganov, Alexander
Petrova, Guergana
p. 1259-1275
One-dimensional kinetic models of granular flows
Toscani, Giuseppe
p. 1277-1291