Notes de cours
Notes de cours
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Plein texte
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Tome 38 (2002)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Subexponential tail asymptotics for a random walk with randomly placed one-way nodes
Gantert, Nina
p. 1-16
Large deviations for the range of an integer valued random walk
Hamana, Yuji
Kesten, Harry
p. 17-58
LAN and LAMN for systems of interacting diffusions with branching and immigration
Löcherbach, Eva
p. 59-90
The spectral gap for a Glauber-type dynamics in a continuous gas
Bertini, Lorenzo
Cancrini, Nicoletta
Cesi, Filippo
p. 91-108
Values of brownian intersection exponents III : two-sided exponents
Lawler, Gregory F.
Schramm, Oded
Werner, Wendelin
p. 109-123
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Stochastic partial differential equations with Dirichlet white-noise boundary conditions
Alòs, Elisa
Bonaccorsi, Stefano
p. 125-154
Finite rank transformation and weak closure theorem
Kwiatkowski, Jan
Lacroix, Yves
p. 155-192
Asymptotically minimax estimation of order-constrained parameters and eigenfunctions of the laplacian on the ball
Korányi, Adam
MacGibbon, K. Brenda
p. 193-206
On a probabilistic description of small scale structures in 3D fluids
Flandoli, Franco
p. 207-228
On regular points in Burgers turbulence with stable noise initial data
Giraud, Christophe
p. 229-251
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
Infinite volume asymptotics of the ground state energy in a scaled poissonian potential
Merkl, Franz
Wüthrich, Mario V.
p. 253-284
Small perturbation of diffusions in inhomogeneous media
Chiang, Tzuu-Shuh
Sheu, Shuenn-Jyi
p. 285-318
Self-similar fragmentations
Bertoin, Jean
p. 319-340
Large deviations upper bounds and central limit theorems for non-commutative functionals of gaussian large random matrices
Guionnet, Alice
p. 341-384
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
The logarithmic Sobolev constant of Kawasaki dynamics under a mixing condition revisited
Cancrini, N.
Martinelli, F.
Roberto, C.
p. 385-436
A central limit theorem for the asymmetric simple exclusion process
Rezakhanlou, Fraydoun
p. 437-464
Vitesse de dispersion pour une classe de martingales
de La Rue, Thierry
p. 465-474
Girsanov and Feynman-Kac type transformations for symmetric Markov processes
Chen, Zhen-Qing
Zhang, Tu-Sheng
p. 475-505
Convergence of local type Dirichlet forms to a non-local type one
Ogura, Y.
Tomisaki, M.
Tsuchiya, M.
p. 507-556
Probability structure preserving and absolute continuity
Hu, Yaozhong
p. 557-580
Principes d'invariance pour les flots diagonaux sur SL(d,R)/SL(d,Z)
Le Borgne, Stéphane
p. 581-612
Agrégation limitée par diffusion interne sur
Blachère, Sébastien
p. 613-648
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 5
Large deviations for a triangular array of exchangeable random variables
Trashorras, José
p. 649-680
Glauber dynamics of spin glasses at low and high temperature
De Santis, Emilio
p. 681-710
LAN property for ergodic diffusions with discrete observations
Gobet, Emmanuel
p. 711-737
Spectral gap and logarithmic Sobolev inequality for unbounded conservative spin systems
Landim, C.
Panizo, G.
Yau, H. T.
p. 739-777
Large deviations of
-empirical measures in strong topologies and applications
Eichelsbacher, Peter
Schmock, Uwe
p. 779-797
Erratum to “The supremum of brownian local times on Hölder curves”
Bass, Richard F.
Burdzy, Krzysztof
p. 799-800
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 6
Some exact rates in the functional law of the iterated logarithm
Berthet, Philippe
Lifshits, Mikhail
p. 811-824
Hidden Markov model likelihoods and their derivatives behave like i.i.d. ones
Bickel, Peter J.
Ritov, Ya'acov
Rydén, Tobias
p. 825-846
Enveloppes convexes des processus gaussiens
Davydov, Youri
p. 847-861
A different construction of gaussian fields from Markov chains : Dirichlet covariances
Diaconis, Persi
Evans, Steven N.
p. 863-878
Asymptotics of weighted empirical processes of linear fields with long-range dependence
Doukhan, Paul
Lang, Gabriel
Surgailis, Donatas
p. 879-896
Likelihood ratio inequalities with applications to various mixtures
Gassiat, Elisabeth
p. 897-906
Rates of strong uniform consistency for multivariate kernel density estimators
Giné, Evarist
Guillou, Armelle
p. 907-921
A functional hungarian construction for sums of independent random variables
Grama, Ion
Nussbaum, Michael
p. 923-957
Rolling-ball method for estimating the boundary of the support of a point-process intensity
Hall, Peter
Park, Byeong U.
Turlach, Berwin A.
p. 959-971
On sharp Burkholder-Rosenthal-type inequalities for infinite-degree
de La Peña, Victor H.
Ibragimov, Rustam
Sharakhmetov, Shaturgun
p. 973-990
Tusnady's lemma, 24 years later
Massart, Pascal
p. 991-1007
Inference on the variance and smoothing of the paths of diffusions
Perera, Gonzalo
Wschebor, Mario
p. 1009-1022
Evolutionary Pareto distributions
Picard, Dominique
Tribouley, Karine
p. 1023-1037
Maximal inequalities via bracketing with adaptive truncation
Pollard, David
p. 1039-1052
Une inégalité de Bennett pour les maxima de processus empiriques
Rio, Emmanuel
p. 1053-1057
Spectral densities describing off-white noises
Tsirelson, Boris
p. 1059-1069
Estimates of the rate of approximation in a de-poissonization lemma
Zaitsev, Andrei Yu.
p. 1071-1086
An asymptotic test for quantitative gene detection
Azaïs, Jean-Marc
Cierco-Ayrolles, Christine
p. 1087-1092
Estimation de Yule-Walker d’un CAR(
) observé à temps discret
Souchet, Sandie
Guyon, Xavier
p. 1093-1100