Notes de cours
Notes de cours
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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Tome 32 (1998)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Système Euler-Poisson non linéaire. Existence globale de solutions faibles entropiques
Cordier, Stéphane
Peng, Yue-Jun
p. 1-23
Justification of a two dimensional evolutionary Ginzburg-Landau superconductivity model
Chen, Zhiming
Elliott, C. M.
Qi, Tang
p. 25-50
Incremental unknowns method and compact schemes
Chehab, Jean-Paul
p. 51-83
Backward Euler type methods for parabolic integro-differential equations in Banach space
Bakaev, N. Yu.
Larsson, S.
Thomée, V.
p. 85-99
Raffinement de la borne spectrale d'un faisceau de matrices
Khalil, Abdelkarim
p. 101-105
A Schwarz auditive method with high order interface conditions and nonoverlapping subdomains
Nataf, Frédéric
p. 107-116
Optimal control and regularization to model the atmospheric electron content from satellite measurements
Ciavaldini, J.-F.
Foucher, F.
p. 117-130
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Membrane locking in the finite element computation of very thin elastic shells
Choi, D.
Palma, F. J.
Sanchez-Palencia, E.
Vilariño, M. A.
p. 131-152
Some numerical methods for the study of the convexity notions arising in the calculus of variations
Dacorogna, Bernard
Haeberly, Jean-Pierre
p. 153-175
Wellposedness of kinematic hardening models in elastoplasticity
Brokate, Martin
Krejčí, Pavel
p. 177-209
An optimal viscosity profile in the secondary oil recovery
Carasso, C.
Pasa, G.
p. 211-221
The perturbed generalized proximal point algorithm
Alexandre, P.
Nguyen, V. H.
Tossings, P.
p. 223-253
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact
Kočvara, Michal
Zibulevsky, Michael
Zowe, Jochem
p. 255-281
A stable mixed finite element method on truncated exterior domains
Deuring, Paul
p. 283-305
On conservative and entropic discrete axisymmetric Fokker-Planck operators
Frénod, Emmanuel
Lucquin-Desreux, Brigitte
p. 307-339
Nouveaux algorithmes performants en théorie du transport
Akesbi, Samir
Nicolet, Martial
p. 341-358
Resolution of the Maxwell equations in a domain with reentrant corners
Assous, F.
Ciarlet, P.
Sonnendrücker, E.
p. 359-389
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
A convergence result for an iterative method for the equations of a stationary quasi-newtonian flow with temperature dependent viscosity
Wardi, S.
p. 391-404
A domain embedding method for Dirichlet problems in arbitrary space dimension
Rieder, Andreas
p. 405-431
Analyse numérique d'un modèle de coques de Koiter discrétisé en base cartésienne par éléments finis DKT
Le Tallec, Patrick
Mani, Saloua
p. 433-450
Résolution des équations de shallow water par la méthode de Galerkin non linéaire
Di Martino, Bernard
Orenga, Pierre
p. 451-477
Expanded mixed finite element methods for linear second-order elliptic problems, I
Chen, Zhangxin
p. 479-499
Expanded mixed finite element methods for quasilinear second order elliptic problems, II
Chen, Zhangxin
p. 501-520
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 5
Regularity of solutions to a one dimensional plasticity model
Babuška, I.
Shi, P.
p. 521-537
Incremental unknowns on nonuniform meshes
Chehab, J.-P.
Miranville, A.
p. 539-577
An asymptotic study of a plate problem by a rearrangement method. Application to the mechanical impedance
Campbell, Alain
Nazarov, Sergueï
p. 579-610
Numerical approximation of stiff transmission problems by mixed finite element methods
Capatina-Papaghiuc, Daniela
Raynaud, Nicolas
p. 611-629
Finite volume box schemes on triangular meshes
Courbet, B.
Croisille, J. P.
p. 631-649
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 6
Asymptotic analysis of magnetic induction with high frequency for solid conductors
Coulaud, Olivier
p. 651-669
Pseudospectre d'une suite d'opérateurs bornés
Harrabi, A.
p. 671-680
Sur un algorithme en volumes finis non structurés pour la simulation des flammes turbulentes en chimie infiniment rapide
Schmidt-Laine, C.
Ben Taïb, A.
p. 681-697
asymptotics and dispersive effects for Hartree-Fock systems
Gasser, I.
Illner, R.
Markowich, P. A.
Schmeiser, C.
p. 699-713
Bifurcations of finite difference schemes and their approximate inertial forms
Bronstering, Rolf
Chen, Min
p. 715-728
Approximation de contours convexes par des splines paramétrées périodiques convexes
, quadratiques ou cubiques
Tijini, Ahmed
Sablonnière, Paul
p. 729-746
Finite volumes and nonlinear diffusion equations
Eymard, R.
Gallouët, T.
Hilhorst, D.
Naït Slimane, Y.
p. 747-761
The grazing collisions asymptotics of the non cut-off Kac equation
Toscani, G.
p. 763-772
Nested sequences of Chebyshev spaces and shape parameters
Mazure, Marie-Laurence
Laurent, Pierre-Jean
p. 773-788
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 7
Étude numérique des oscillations des systèmes semi-linéaires
Gibel, P.
p. 789-815
A posteriori error estimates for nonlinear problems.
-estimates for finite element discretizations of elliptic equations
Verfürth, R.
p. 817-842
A priori and a posteriori error bounds for a nonconforming linear finite element approximation of a non-newtonian flow
Bao, Weizhu
Barrett, John W.
p. 843-858
A problem of magnetostatics related to thin plates
Descloux, Jean
Flueck, Michel
Romerio, Michel V.
p. 859-876
Global BV solutions for a model of multi-species mixture in porous media
Amirat, Youcef
Peng, Yue-Jun
p. 877-895
On propagation in an electromagnetic waveguide with concentrated dissipation
Turbe, N.
p. 897-915