@book{MSM_1952__119__1_0, author = {Truesdell, C.}, title = {Vorticity and the thermodynamic state in a gas flow}, series = {M\'emorial des sciences math\'ematiques}, publisher = {Gauthier-Villars}, number = {119}, year = {1952}, mrnumber = {57663}, zbl = {0046.19001}, language = {en}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/MSM_1952__119__1_0/} }
Truesdell, C. Vorticity and the thermodynamic state in a gas flow. Mémorial des sciences mathématiques, no. 119 (1952), 60 p. http://numdam.org/item/MSM_1952__119__1_0/
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,1949. 1. A note on the substitution principle for steady gas flow (J. Appl. Phys., t. 20, p. 448-450). | Zbl | MR
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