@book{AST_1990__186__1_0, author = {Goerss, Paul G.}, title = {On the {Andr\'e-Quillen} cohomology of commutative $\mathbb{F}_2$-algebras}, series = {Ast\'erisque}, publisher = {Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique de France}, number = {186}, year = {1990}, zbl = {0742.13008}, language = {en}, url = {https://numdam.org/item/AST_1990__186__1_0/} }
Goerss, Paul G. On the André-Quillen cohomology of commutative $\mathbb{F}_2$-algebras. Astérisque, no. 186 (1990), 171 p. http://numdam.org/item/AST_1990__186__1_0/
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