@book{AST_1986__135-136__1_0, author = {Host, B. and M\'ela, J.-F. and Parreau, F.}, title = {Analyse harmonique des mesures {[S\'eminaire} de {Villetaneuse]}}, series = {Ast\'erisque}, publisher = {Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique de France}, number = {135-136}, year = {1986}, zbl = {0589.43001}, language = {fr}, url = {https://numdam.org/item/AST_1986__135-136__1_0/} }
Host, B.; Méla, J.-F.; Parreau, F. Analyse harmonique des mesures [Séminaire de Villetaneuse]. Astérisque, no. 135-136 (1986), 270 p. http://numdam.org/item/AST_1986__135-136__1_0/
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-[1] On orthogonality of Riesz Products. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 76 (1974), pp 173-181. | Zbl | DOI
, :[2] Sur les mesures dont la transformée de Fourier-Stieltjes ne tend pas vers 0 à l'infini. Coll. Math. 41-2 (1979). | Zbl | EuDML
, :[3] Ensembles parfaits et séries trigonométriques. Hermann. | Zbl
, :[4] Sidon sets. Lecture Notes 13. M. Dekker. | Zbl
, :[5] Fourier Analysis on groups. Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics n°12. John Wiley and Sons. | Zbl
:[6] Measure Algebras. Regional Conference Series in Math n°15, A.M.S. (1972). | Zbl
:[7] A charactérization of measures whose Fourier transforms vanish at infinity. Thèse (1982) .
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[3] When is
[4] Fourier-Stieltjes transforms with an isolated value. Conference on Harmonic Analysis, Maryland (1971). Lecture Notes in Math. 266. Springer-Verlag. | Zbl
-[5] Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis. Springer-Verlag (1979). | Zbl | DOI
, -[6] Sur un problème de Glicksberg : les idéaux fermés de type fini de M(G). Ann. Inst. Fourier 38 (1978) 143-164. | DOI | Zbl | EuDML | Numdam
, -[7] Mesures presque-idempotentes et progression arithmétiques CRAS t. 297 (1978). | Zbl
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[12] Hardy's inequality and the
[13] Mesures
[14] Le calcul sur les caractères de l'algèbre
[15] Transforms which almost vanish at infinity. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 87. | Zbl
-[16] Almost idempotent measures on compact abelian groups. J. Funct. Analysis 38 (1980) 61-70. | Zbl | DOI
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-[18] Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of strongly continuous measures, Michigan Math. J. 24 (1977) 13-19. | Zbl | DOI
, -[19] Fourier Analysis on groups - Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics n°12. John Wiley and Sons. | Zbl
-[20] Sidon sets. Lecture Notes Marcel Dekker n°13 (1975). | Zbl
, -[21] Spectra of singular measures as multipliers. Journal of Funct. Anal. 37 (1980), 302-317. | Zbl | DOI
-[1] Spectra of independant power measures. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 72 (1972) 27-35. | Zbl
, , -[2] Riesz products and generalized characters. Proc. Lond Math. Soc. 30 (1975) 209-238. | Zbl
-[3] On orthogonality of Riesz products. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 76 (1974) 173-181. | Zbl
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[5] On the Silov boundary of a measure algebra. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 3 (1971) 197-203. | Zbl | DOI
, -[6] A dichotomy for infinite convolution of discrete measures. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 73 (1973) 307-316. | Zbl
, -[7] Bernoulli measures algebras. Acta Math. 132 (1974) 77-109. | Zbl | DOI
, -[8] Bounded projections on Fourier-Stieltjes transforms. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 31-1 (1972) 122. | Zbl
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[10] Sur un problème de Glicksberg : les idéaux fermés de type fini de
[11] Orthogonalité et propriétés spectrales dans les algèbres de convolution de mesures (à paraître).
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[13] Mesures
[14] Étude de quelques propriétés des produits de Riesz Ann. Inst. Fourier 25-2 (1975) 127-169. | DOI | Zbl | EuDML | Numdam
-[15] The structure of maximal ideals in rings of measures with convolution. Mat. Sbornik 27 (1950) 297 (Am. Math. Soc. Transl. 81).
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-[17] Convolution measure algebras with group maximal ideal spaces. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (1967) 257-263. | Zbl | DOI
-[18] Inverses, logarithms and idempotents in M(G). Rocky Mountain J. Math. 2 (1972) 183-206. | Zbl | DOI
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-[1] Riesz products and generalized characters. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 30 (1975) 209-238. | Zbl
-[2] On orthogonality of Riesz products. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 76 (1974) 173-181. | Zbl
, -[3] Étude de quelques propriétés des produits de Riesz. Ann. Inst. Fourier 25-2 (1975) 127-169. | DOI | Zbl | EuDML | Numdam
-[4] The interior of the Silov boundary of M(G) is trivial. J. Funct. Anal. (1980). | Zbl
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, - Thèse (Université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse 1979).[1] Non sidon sets in the support of a Fourier-Stieltjes transform. Colloq. Math. 36 (1976) 122. | Zbl | DOI
-[2] Sur les supports des transformées de Fourier-Stieltjes. Colloq. Math. 44-1 (1980). | Zbl | DOI
, , -[3]
, - Thèse (Université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse, 1979).
[4] Un ensemble d'entiers
[5] Sidon sets. Lecture Notes Marcel Dekker (1975). | Zbl
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[6] Mesures
[7] Transforms which almost vanish at infinity. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 87 (1980) 75-79. | Zbl | DOI
-[8] Diophantine approximation and quantitative behaviour of transforms (prépublication).
-[9] Real and complex analysis. Mc Graw Hill. | Zbl
-[10] On sets of integers containing no k elements in arithmetic progressions. Acta. Math. 27 (1975) 199. | Zbl | EuDML
-[11] Measures algebras. Regional Conference Series in Math. n°16, A.M.S. (1973). | Zbl | DOI
-[1] A short proof of Van der Waerden's theorem on arithmetic progressions Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 42-2 (1974) 385. | Zbl
, -[2] Mesures presque idempotentes et progressions arithmétiques. Note aux C.R.A.Sc. Paris t. 287, 9-10 (1978). | Zbl
, -[3] Thèse (Université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse, 1979).
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[4] On a certain
[5] Sidon sets. Lectures Notes. Marcel Dekker n°13 (1975). | Zbl
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[6] On sets of integers containing no
[7] Non-Sidon sets in the support of a Fourier- Stieltjes transform. Coll. Math. 36-2 (1976) 269-273. | Zbl | EuDML
-[1] Idempotents in the closure of characters. Bull. London Math. Soc. 4 (1972) 43-46. | Zbl | DOI
-[2] A dichotomy for infinite convolutions of discrete measures. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 73 (1973) 307-316. | Zbl | DOI
et -[3] Bounded projections on Fourier Stieltjes transforms. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 31-1 (1972) 122. | Zbl | DOI
et -[4] Fourier-Stieltjes transforms with an isolated value. Conference on Harmonic Analysis, Maryland (1971), Lectures Notes in Math. 266, Springer-Verlag. | Zbl
-[5] The range of Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of parts of measures, Conference on Harmonic Analysis, Maryland (1971), Lectures Notes in Math. 266, Springer-Verlag. | Zbl
et -[6] Difference covers which have small k-sums for any k. Matematica 20 (1973) 109-118. | Zbl
-[7] Sur un problème de Glicksberg : les idéaux fermés de type fini de M(G), Ann. Inst. Fourier 38-3 (1978) 143-154. | DOI | Zbl | EuDML | Numdam
et -[8] Approximation par des exponentielles imaginaires ; ensembles de Dirichlet et ensembles de Kronecker. Journal of approximation Theory 2 (1969). | Zbl
-[9] Ensembles parfaits et séries trigonométriques, Hermann. | Zbl
et -[10] Some results on Kronecker, Dirichlet and Helson sets, Ann. Inst. Fourier 20-2 (1970) 219-234. | DOI | Zbl | EuDML | Numdam
-[11] Thin sets in Harmonic Analysis, Marcel Dekker (1971). | Zbl
et -
[12] Mesures
[13] Locally compact topologies for groups. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1967) 225-235. | Zbl | DOI
-[14] Fourier Analysis on groups. Interscience Tracts in Math. n°12. John Wiley and Sons. | Zbl
-[15] Independant sets and measure algebras, Studia Math. 59 (1977). | Zbl | EuDML | DOI
-[16] Solution d'un problème de R. Haydon. Publications du département de Maths de Lyon (1975) 12-2. | Zbl | EuDML | Numdam
-[17] Groups of continuous functions in Harmonic Analysis. Acta. Math. 125 (1970) 109-154. | Zbl | DOI
-[18] Raikov systems. Symposia on theoritical Physics and Mathematics, vol. 8 (1968) 173-183. | Zbl | DOI
-[19] Raikov systems and the pathology of M(IR) Studia Math. 31 (1968) 399-409. | Zbl | EuDML | DOI
-[20] Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of strongly continuous measures, Michigan Math. Journal 24 (1977), 13-19. | Zbl | DOI
et -[21] Essays in commutative Harmonic Analysis - Springer-Verlag. | Zbl | DOI
et -[22] Séminaire sur la théorie spectrale des systèmes dynamiques (Villetaneuse 1983).