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Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire
Tome 38 (2021)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
janvier – février 2021
Editorial Board
p. IFC
Nontrivial solutions to Serrin's problem in annular domains
Kamburov, Nikola
Sciaraffia, Luciano
p. 1-22
Conserved quantities and Hamiltonization of nonholonomic systems
Balseiro, Paula
Yapu, Luis P.
p. 23-60
Relaxed multi-marginal costs and quantization effects
Bouchitté, Guy
Buttazzo, Giuseppe
Champion, Thierry
De Pascale, Luigi
p. 61-90
Entropy formula and continuity of entropy for piecewise expanding maps
Alves, José F.
Pumariño, Antonio
p. 91-108
Asymptotic expansions in time for rotating incompressible viscous fluids
Hoang, Luan T.
Titi, Edriss S.
p. 109-137
Navier-Stokes equation in super-critical spaces
Feichtinger, Hans G.
Gröchenig, Karlheinz
Li, Kuijie
Wang, Baoxiang
p. 139-173
On the timescale at which statistical stability breaks down
Dobbs, Neil
Korepanov, Alexey
p. 175-199
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
mars – avril 2021
Editorial Board
p. IFC
The Euler equations in a critical case of the generalized Campanato space
Chae, Dongho
Wolf, Jörg
p. 201-241
Bifurcation for minimal surface equation in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Huang, Zheng
Lucia, Marcello
Tarantello, Gabriella
p. 243-279
Dispersive blow-up for solutions of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation
Linares, F.
Pastor, A.
Drumond Silva, J.
p. 281-300
Nonnegative control of finite-dimensional linear systems
Lohéac, Jérôme
Trélat, Emmanuel
Zuazua, Enrique
p. 301-346
Steiner symmetrization for anisotropic quasilinear equations via partial discretization
Brock, F.
Díaz, J.I.
Ferone, A.
Gómez-Castro, D.
Mercaldo, A.
p. 347-368
Relaxed Euler systems and convergence to Navier-Stokes equations
Peng, Yue-Jun
p. 369-401
On isolated singularities of fractional semi-linear elliptic equations
Yang, Hui
Zou, Wenming
p. 403-420
A dynamical approach to semilinear elliptic equations
Beck, Margaret
Cox, Graham
Jones, Christopher
Latushkin, Yuri
Sukhtayev, Alim
p. 421-450
Global well-posedness for the Cauchy problem of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in 2D
Kinoshita, Shinya
p. 451-505
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
mai – juin 2021
Editorial Board
p. IFC
Sharp estimates for the spreading speeds of the Lotka-Volterra diffusion system with strong competition
Peng, Rui
Wu, Chang-Hong
Zhou, Maolin
p. 507-547
On the spectral characterization of Besse and Zoll Reeb flows
Ginzburg, Viktor L.
Gürel, Başak Z.
Mazzucchelli, Marco
p. 549-576
-estimates for the near field refractor
Gutiérrez, Cristian E.
Tournier, Federico
p. 577-600
Solutions with peaks for a coagulation-fragmentation equation. Part II: Aggregation in peaks
Bonacini, Marco
Niethammer, Barbara
Velázquez, Juan J.L.
p. 601-646
On a nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes system with degenerate mobility and singular potential for incompressible fluids with different densities
Frigeri, Sergio
p. 647-687
Some Liouville theorems for stationary Navier-Stokes equations in Lebesgue and Morrey spaces
Chamorro, Diego
Jarrín, Oscar
Lemarié-Rieusset, Pierre-Gilles
p. 689-710
Almost periodic invariant tori for the NLS on the circle
Biasco, Luca
Massetti, Jessica Elisa
Procesi, Michela
p. 711-758
The existence of full dimensional invariant tori for 1-dimensional nonlinear wave equation
Cong, Hongzi
Yuan, Xiaoping
p. 759-786
Nonlinear stability of self-gravitating irrotational Chaplygin fluids in a FLRW geometry
LeFloch, Philippe G.
Wei, Changhua
p. 787-814
The third order Benjamin-Ono equation on the torus: Well-posedness, traveling waves and stability
Gassot, Louise
p. 815-840
Existence of multi-solitons for the focusing Logarithmic Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation
Ferriere, Guillaume
p. 841-875
Semilinear problems with right-hand sides singular at
= 0 which change sign
Casado-Díaz, Juan
Murat, François
p. 877-909
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
juillet – août 2021
Editorial Board
p. IFC
Spreading properties of a three-component reaction-diffusion model for the population of farmers and hunter-gatherers
Xiao, Dongyuan
Mori, Ryunosuke
p. 911-951
Optimal gradient estimates for the perfect conductivity problem with
Chen, Yu
Li, Haigang
Xu, Longjuan
p. 953-979
Full and partial regularity for a class of nonlinear free boundary problems
Karakhanyan, Aram
p. 981-999
Entropy theory for sectional hyperbolic flows
José Pacifico, Maria
Yang, Fan
Yang, Jiagang
p. 1001-1030
A game of alignment: Collective behavior of multi-species
He, Siming
Tadmor, Eitan
p. 1031-1053
The vorticity equations in a half plane with measures as initial data
Abe, Ken
p. 1055-1094
Point interactions for 3D sub-Laplacians
Adami, Riccardo
Boscain, Ugo
Franceschi, Valentina
Prandi, Dario
p. 1095-1113
Connecting planar linear chains in the spatial
-body problem
Yu, Guowei
p. 1115-1144
Gevrey regularity for the Vlasov-Poisson system
Velozo Ruiz, Renato
p. 1145-1165
Asymptotic symmetry and local behavior of solutions of higher order conformally invariant equations with isolated singularities
Jin, Tianling
Xiong, Jingang
p. 1167-1216
Homogenization of a stochastically forced Hamilton-Jacobi equation
Seeger, Benjamin
p. 1217-1253
Stability of equilibria uniformly in the inviscid limit for the Navier-Stokes-Poisson system
Rousset, Frédéric
Sun, Changzhen
p. 1255-1294
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 5
septembre – octobre 2021
Editorial Board
p. IFC
Edge-localized states on quantum graphs in the limit of large mass
Berkolaiko, Gregory
Marzuola, Jeremy L.
Pelinovsky, Dmitry E.
p. 1295-1335
Regularity of optimal sets for some functional involving eigenvalues of an operator in divergence form
Trey, Baptiste
p. 1337-1371
Critical chirality in elliptic systems
Da Lio, Francesca
Rivière, Tristan
p. 1373-1405
On critical points of the relative fractional perimeter
Malchiodi, Andrea
Novaga, Matteo
Pagliardini, Dayana
p. 1407-1428
Phase transitions on the Markov and Lagrange dynamical spectra
Lima, Davi
Moreira, Carlos Gustavo
p. 1429-1459
Long time confinement of vorticity around a stable stationary point vortex in a bounded planar domain
Donati, Martin
Iftimie, Dragoș
p. 1461-1485
Conditional stability of multi-solitons for the 1D NLKG equation with double power nonlinearity
Yuan, Xu
p. 1487-1524
Non dispersive solutions of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations are typically multi-solitons
Friederich, Xavier
p. 1525-1552
Multiphase free discontinuity problems: Monotonicity formula and regularity results
Bucur, Dorin
Fragalà, Ilaria
Giacomini, Alessandro
p. 1553-1582
The lifespan of classical solutions for the inviscid Surface Quasi-geostrophic equation
Castro, Ángel
Córdoba, Diego
Zheng, Fan
p. 1583-1603
On the controllability and stabilization of the Benjamin equation on a periodic domain
Panthee, M.
Vielma Leal, F.
p. 1605-1652
Local limit of nonlocal traffic models: Convergence results and total variation blow-up
Colombo, Maria
Crippa, Gianluca
Marconi, Elio
Spinolo, Laura V.
p. 1653-1666
On unique continuation principles for some elliptic systems
Moreira dos Santos, Ederson
Nornberg, Gabrielle
Soave, Nicola
p. 1667-1680
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 6
novembre – décembre 2021
Editorial Board
p. IFC
A normalized solitary wave solution of the Maxwell-Dirac equations
Nolasco, Margherita
p. 1681-1702
The Pohozaev-Schoen identity on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds: Conservation laws and their applications
Avalos, R.
Freitas, A.
p. 1703-1724
Stability of planar rarefaction waves under general viscosity perturbation of the isentropic Euler system
Feireisl, Eduard
Novotný, Antonín
p. 1725-1737
Global semiclassical limit from Hartree to Vlasov equation for concentrated initial data
Lafleche, Laurent
p. 1739-1762
Compactness of scalar-flat conformal metrics on low-dimensional manifolds with constant mean curvature on boundary
Kim, Seunghyeok
Musso, Monica
Wei, Juncheng
p. 1763-1793
Polyhomogénéité des métriques compatibles avec une structure de Lie à l'infini le long du flot de Ricci
Ammar, Mahdi
p. 1795-1840
Vanishing viscosity limit of the 3D incompressible Oldroyd-B model
Zi, Ruizhao
p. 1841-1867
Non-existence of patterns and gradient estimates in semilinear elliptic equations with Neumann boundary conditions
Nordmann, Samuel
p. 1869-1895
The influence of Einstein's effective viscosity on sedimentation at very small particle volume fraction
Höfer, Richard M.
Schubert, Richard
p. 1897-1927
Collapsing and the convex hull property in a soap film capillarity model
King, Darren
Maggi, Francesco
Stuvard, Salvatore
p. 1929-1941
Full cross-diffusion limit in the stationary Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto model
Kuto, Kousuke
p. 1943-1959
Stability, well-posedness and regularity of the homogeneous Landau equation for hard potentials
Fournier, Nicolas
Heydecker, Daniel
p. 1961-1987
regularity of the steady Prandtl equation with favorable pressure gradient
Wang, Yue
Zhang, Zhifei
p. 1989-2004
Soliton resolution for the focusing modified KdV equation
Chen, Gong
Liu, Jiaqi
p. 2005-2071