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Notes de cours
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Tome 49 (2013)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Asymmetric covariance estimates of Brascamp-Lieb type and related inequalities for log-concave measures
Carlen, Eric A.
Cordero-Erausquin, Dario
Lieb, Elliott H.
p. 1-12
Ergodic behaviour of “signed voter models”
Maillard, G.
Mountford, T. S.
p. 13-35
On bilinear forms based on the resolvent of large random matrices
Hachem, Walid
Loubaton, Philippe
Najim, Jamal
Vallet, Pascal
p. 36-63
On finite rank deformations of Wigner matrices
Pizzo, Alessandro
Renfrew, David
Soshnikov, Alexander
p. 64-94
Poincaré inequalities and hitting times
Cattiaux, Patrick
Guillin, Arnaud
Zitt, Pierre André
p. 95-118
Optimal transportation for multifractal random measures and applications
Rhodes, Rémi
Vargas, Vincent
p. 119-137
On pathwise uniqueness for stochastic differential equations driven by stable Lévy processes
Fournier, Nicolas
p. 138-159
Large deviations principle by viscosity solutions: the case of diffusions with oblique Lipschitz reflections
Kobylanski, Magdalena
p. 160-181
Existence and asymptotic behaviour of some time-inhomogeneous diffusions
Gradinaru, Mihai
Offret, Yoann
p. 182-207
Small and large time stability of the time taken for a Lévy process to cross curved boundaries
Griffin, Philip S.
Maller, Ross A.
p. 208-235
Universality of the asymptotics of the one-sided exit problem for integrated processes
Aurzada, Frank
Dereich, Steffen
p. 236-251
Characterizations of processes with stationary and independent increments under
Song, Yongsheng
p. 252-269
The rate of escape for random walks on polycyclic and metabelian groups
Thompson, Russ
p. 270-287
On the optimality of the empirical risk minimization procedure for the convex aggregation problem
Lecué, Guillaume
Mendelson, Shahar
p. 288-306
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Random hysteresis loops
Carinci, Gioia
p. 307-339
The brownian cactus I. Scaling limits of discrete cactuses
Curien, Nicolas
Le Gall, Jean-François
Miermont, Grégory
p. 340-373
Large scale behaviour of the spatial
-Fleming-Viot process
Berestycki, N.
Etheridge, A. M.
Véber, A.
p. 374-401
Hydrodynamical behavior of symmetric exclusion with slow bonds
Franco, Tertuliano
Gonçalves, Patrícia
Neumann, Adriana
p. 402-427
The number of absorbed individuals in branching brownian motion with a barrier
Maillard, Pascal
p. 428-455
On quenched and annealed critical curves of random pinning model with finite range correlations
Poisat, Julien
p. 456-482
The scaling limits of a heavy tailed Markov renewal process
Sohier, Julien
p. 483-505
Limit theorems for one and two-dimensional random walks in random scenery
Castell, Fabienne
Guillotin-Plantard, Nadine
Pène, Françoise
p. 506-528
Stein's method in high dimensions with applications
Röllin, Adrian
p. 529-549
Almost everywhere convergence of convolution powers on compact abelian groups
Conze, Jean-Pierre
Lin, Michael
p. 550-568
Anisotropic adaptive kernel deconvolution
Comte, F.
Lacour, C.
p. 569-609
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
Nonequilibrium fluctuations for a tagged particle in one-dimensional sublinear zero-range processes
Jara, Milton
Landim, Claudio
Sethuraman, Sunder
p. 611-637
Perturbing transient random walk in a random environment with cookies of maximal strength
Bauernschubert, Elisabeth
p. 638-653
Invariance principle for Mott variable range hopping and other walks on point processes
Caputo, P.
Faggionato, A.
Prescott, T.
p. 654-697
Einstein relation for biased random walk on Galton-Watson trees
Ben Arous, Gerard
Hu, Yueyun
Olla, Stefano
Zeitouni, Ofer
p. 698-721
Weak quenched limiting distributions for transient one-dimensional random walk in a random environment
Peterson, Jonathon
Samorodnitsky, Gennady
p. 722-752
Strong disorder in semidirected random polymers
Zygouras, N.
p. 753-780
Hierarchical pinning model in correlated random environment
Berger, Quentin
Toninelli, Fabio Lucio
p. 781-816
Scale-free percolation
Deijfen, Maria
van der Hofstad, Remco
Hooghiemstra, Gerard
p. 817-838
Restricted exchangeable partitions and embedding of associated hierarchies in continuum random trees
Chen, Bo
Winkel, Matthias
p. 839-872
Persistence of iterated partial sums
Dembo, Amir
Ding, Jian
Gao, Fuchang
p. 873-884
Representation formula for the entropy and functional inequalities
Lehec, Joseph
p. 885-899
Spatially adaptive density estimation by localised Haar projections
Gach, Florian
Nickl, Richard
Spokoiny, Vladimir
p. 900-914
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
The right tail exponent of the Tracy-Widom
Dumaz, Laure
Virág, Bálint
p. 915-933
Perturbed Toeplitz operators and radial determinantal processes
Ehrhardt, Torsten
Rider, Brian
p. 934-960
The generalized weighted probability measure on the symmetric group and the asymptotic behavior of the cycles
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Zeindler, Dirk
p. 961-981
Lévy processes conditioned on having a large height process
Richard, Mathieu
p. 982-1013
A remarkable
-finite measure unifying supremum penalisations for a stable Lévy process
Yano, Yuko
p. 1014-1032
Weakly nonlinear stochastic CGL equations
Kuksin, Sergei B.
p. 1033-1056
Stochastic differential equations with Sobolev drifts and driven by
-stable processes
Zhang, Xicheng
p. 1057-1079
On random fractals with infinite branching: definition, measurability, dimensions
Berlinkov, Artemi
p. 1080-1089
Transitions on a noncompact Cantor set and random walks on its defining tree
Kigami, Jun
p. 1090-1129
Size of the giant component in a random geometric graph
Ganesan, Ghurumuruhan
p. 1130-1140
Perturbing the hexagonal circle packing: a percolation perspective
Benjamini, Itai
Stauffer, Alexandre
p. 1141-1157
Limit theorems for geometric functionals of Gibbs point processes
Schreiber, T.
Yukich, J. E.
p. 1158-1182
Constructive quantization: approximation by empirical measures
Dereich, Steffen
Scheutzow, Michael
Schottstedt, Reik
p. 1183-1203
Nonparametric estimation of the jump rate for non-homogeneous marked renewal processes
Azaïs, Romain
Dufour, François
Gégout-Petit, Anne
p. 1204-1231