@book{MSM_1940__98__1_0, author = {Darmois, G.}, title = {Les math\'ematiques de la psychologie}, series = {M\'emorial des sciences math\'ematiques}, publisher = {Gauthier-Villars}, number = {98}, year = {1940}, mrnumber = {5550}, zbl = {0025.19907}, language = {fr}, url = {https://www.numdam.org/item/MSM_1940__98__1_0/} }
Darmois, G. Les mathématiques de la psychologie. Mémorial des sciences mathématiques, no. 98 (1940), 56 p. http://numdam.org/item/MSM_1940__98__1_0/
1. The abilities of man (Londres, 2e édit., 1932. Traduction française de F. Brachet aux Éditions du Travail humain, Paris).
. _2. An introduction to the theory of statistics (Londres, nombreuses éditions). | JFM
. _3. Statistical Methods for Research Workers (Londres et Edinburgh, nombreuses éditions). | JFM
. _4. Statistical Method (New-York). | JFM
. _Crossroads in the mind of man, Stanford University Press, 1928).
. _5. Statistique mathématique (Paris, 1928). | JFM
6. On the criterion that a given system... (Phil. Mag., série V, 1900, p. 157-175). | JFM
. _7.
_ Am. Journ. Psych., vol. XV, 1904, p. 202.8.
. _ Proc. Roy. Soc, A, 1919, p. 96.9.
. _ Brit. Journ. Psych., vol. X , 1920, p. 242-58.10. Nature, t. 132, n° 3339, octobre 1933, p. 676. | JFM
. _11. On the mathematical foundations of theoretical Statistics (Ph. Tram., A, t. 212, 1921, p. 309-368). | JFM
. _12. On the probable error of a coefficient of correlation deduced from a small sample (Metron, t. 1, Part. IV, 1921, p. 1-32).
. _13. The conditions under which X² measures the discrepancy between observation and hypothesis (Journ. Roy. Stat. Soc, t. 87, 1924, p. 442-449).
. _14. Theory of statistical estimation (Proc. of the Cambridge Phil. Soc, t. 22, 1925, p. 700-725). | JFM
. _15. Biometrika, vol. XIX , 1927, p. 246-291. | JFM
et . _16.
. _ Proc Nat. Ac Sci., vol. XIV, 1928, p. 283-296.17. Correlation and scatter in statistical variables (Nordik Statistical Journal, t. 1, 1928, p. 36). | JFM
. _18. Statistical Confluence analysis (Oslo, 1934).
. _19. Le problème de la recherche des composantes cycliques d'un phénomène (Journ, Soc. Stat. Paris, octobre 1930). | JFM
_20. On finite sequences of real numbers (Proc. Roy. Soc, A, vol. 134, 1931, p. 486-501). | Zbl | JFM
. _21. Mathematical Gazette, vol. XVII, n° 222, 1933, p. 40-42.
. _22.
. _ Brit. Journ. of Psych., vol. XXIV, 1933, p. 88-105.23. Analysis of a complex of statistical Variates into principal components (Columbia University, Baltimore, 1933). | JFM
. _24.Statistical Methods in Psychology. The present position of the theory of two factors (XXIIe Session de l'Institut International de Statistique, La Haye, 1934). | JFM
. _25. On the indeterminacy in the estimate of g (Brit. Journ. of Psych., vol. XXV , Part. III , janvier 1935).
. _26. Sur la théorie des deux facteurs de Spearman (C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 199, 1934, p. 1176 et 1358). | Zbl
. _27. L'emploi des observations statistiques. Méthodes d'estimation (Actualités scientifiques et industrielles, Paris, 1936). | Zbl | JFM
. _28. Sur l'indétermination de g dans la théorie de Spearman (Mathematica, 1936. | Zbl | JFM
. _29. Statistical Research Memoirs, vol. I (Londres, juin 1936).
et . _30. Preliminary Reports on Spearman. Holzinger unitary trait Study, n° 5, Introduction to bifactor theory (The University of Chicago Press, 1935). Student Manual of factor analysis (The Univerty of Chicago Press, 1937).
._31. The Victors of mind. University of Chicago Press, 1936. Primary mental abilities. University of Chicago Press, 1938. | JFM
_32. The Factorial analysis of human ability. University of London Press, 1939. | Zbl
. _