@article{MSH_1979__65__51_0, author = {Hage, Per}, title = {A further application of matrix analysis to communication structure in oceanic anthropology}, journal = {Math\'ematiques et sciences humaines}, pages = {51--69}, publisher = {Ecole Pratique des hautes \'etudes, Centre de math\'ematique sociale et de statistique}, volume = {65}, year = {1979}, zbl = {0411.92021}, language = {en}, url = {https://www.numdam.org/item/MSH_1979__65__51_0/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Hage, Per TI - A further application of matrix analysis to communication structure in oceanic anthropology JO - Mathématiques et sciences humaines PY - 1979 SP - 51 EP - 69 VL - 65 PB - Ecole Pratique des hautes études, Centre de mathématique sociale et de statistique UR - https://www.numdam.org/item/MSH_1979__65__51_0/ LA - en ID - MSH_1979__65__51_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Hage, Per %T A further application of matrix analysis to communication structure in oceanic anthropology %J Mathématiques et sciences humaines %D 1979 %P 51-69 %V 65 %I Ecole Pratique des hautes études, Centre de mathématique sociale et de statistique %U https://www.numdam.org/item/MSH_1979__65__51_0/ %G en %F MSH_1979__65__51_0
Hage, Per. A further application of matrix analysis to communication structure in oceanic anthropology. Mathématiques et sciences humaines, Tome 65 (1979), pp. 51-69. https://www.numdam.org/item/MSH_1979__65__51_0/
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