Nous présentons les O-systèmes (Définition 3.1) des transformations orthogonales de
We introduce O-systems (Definition 3.1) of orthogonal transformations of
@article{AIF_1997__47_2_687_0, author = {Ou, Ye-Lin}, title = {Quadratic harmonic morphisms and {O-systems}}, journal = {Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, pages = {687--713}, publisher = {Association des Annales de l{\textquoteright}institut Fourier}, volume = {47}, number = {2}, year = {1997}, doi = {10.5802/aif.1578}, mrnumber = {98j:58038}, zbl = {0918.58020}, language = {en}, url = {} }
TY - JOUR AU - Ou, Ye-Lin TI - Quadratic harmonic morphisms and O-systems JO - Annales de l'Institut Fourier PY - 1997 SP - 687 EP - 713 VL - 47 IS - 2 PB - Association des Annales de l’institut Fourier UR - DO - 10.5802/aif.1578 LA - en ID - AIF_1997__47_2_687_0 ER -
Ou, Ye-Lin. Quadratic harmonic morphisms and O-systems. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Tome 47 (1997) no. 2, pp. 687-713. doi : 10.5802/aif.1578.
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