@phdthesis{THESE_1938__207__1_0, author = {Yano, Kentaro}, title = {Les espaces \`a connexion projective et la g\'eom\'etrie projective des {\guillemotleft} path {\guillemotright}}, series = {Th\`eses de l'entre-deux-guerres}, number = {207}, year = {1938}, language = {fr}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/THESE_1938__207__1_0/} }
Yano, Kentaro. Les espaces à connexion projective et la géométrie projective des « path ». Thèses de l'entre-deux-guerres, no. 207 (1938), 76 p. http://numdam.org/item/THESE_1938__207__1_0/
On the projective geometry of paths, Ann. of Math. 37, 879 - 898, 1936. | Zbl
1.Connessioni proiettive. Boll. Unione Mat. ltal. 9, 288 - 294, 1930; 10, 28 - 34 et 83 - 90, 1931. | Zbl | JFM
2.Differential invariants of direction and point displacement. Ann. of Math. 32, 361 - 377, 1931. | Zbl
3.Spazi proiettivamente piani. Ann. Mat. pura appl. 11, 111 - 134, 1932. | Zbl
4.Sulle connessioni proiettive. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 56, 1 - 57, 1932. | Zbl
5.Cont ibuti alla taoria delle connessioni I. Connessioni proiettiva. Ann. Mat. pura appl. 15, 1 - 45, 129 - 154, 1936. | Zbl | JFM
et 6.Leçons sur les invariants intégraux. Paris, Hermann, 1922. | Zbl | JFM
7.Sur les espaces généralisés et la théorie de la relativité. C. R. Ac. Paris 174, 734 - 737, 1922. | JFM
8.Sur les variétés à connexion affine et la théorie de la relativité généralisée. Ann. Éc. Norm. Sup. 40, 325 - 412, 1923. | JFM | Numdam
9.Sur les variétés à connexion projective. Bull. Soc. Math, de France 52, 205 - 241, 1924. | JFM | Numdam
10.Sur la connexion projective des surfaces. C. R. Ac. Paris 178, 750 - 752, 1924. | JFM
11.Les récentes généralisations de la notion d'espace. Bull. Sc. Math. 48, 294 - 320, 1924. | JFM
12.La théorie des groupes et les recherches récentes de géométrie différentielle. L'Enseignement Math. 24, 1 - 18, 1925. | JFM
13.La géométrie des espaces de Riemann. Mémorial des Sc. Math. 1925. | JFM | Numdam
14.La théorie des groupes et la géométrie. L'Enseignement Math. 26, 200 - 225, 1927. | JFM
15.Rapport sur le Mémoire de J. A. Schouten intitulé ..Erlanger Programm und Übertragungslehre. Neue Gesichtspunkte zur Grundlegung der Geometrie" Bull". Soc. Phys - Math. Kazan 2, 71 - 76, 1927.
16.Leçons sur la géométrie des espaces de Riemann, Paris, Gauthier- Villars, 1928. | Zbl
17.Le calcul tensoriel en géométrie projective. C. Ac. Paris. 198, 2033 - 2037, 1934. | JFM
18.La méthode du repère mobile, la théorie des groupes continus et les espaces généralisés. Paris, Herman, 1935. | Zbl
19.Le calcul tensoriel projectif. Recueil mathématique Soc. Math. Moscou 42, 131 - 147, 1935. | Zbl | JFM
20.Leçons sur la théorie des espaces à connexion projective. Paris Gauthier - Villars, 1937. | Zbl | JFM
21.On the form of differential equations of a system of paths. Ann. of Math. 28, 629 - 630, 1927. | JFM
22.Theorie des projektiven Zusammenhangs n - dimensionaler Räume. Math. Ann. 106, 400 - 454, 1932. | Zbl
23.Zur allgemeinen projektiven Differentialgeometrie I et II. Proc. Akad. Amsterdam. 35, 524 - 534, 535 - 542, 1932. | Zbl
24.On the general projective differential geometry, III. Proc. Akad. Amsterdam, 37, 150 - 155, 1934. | Zbl | JFM
25.The general geometry of paths. Ann. of Math. 29, 143 - 168, 1928. | JFM
26.Spaces with corresponding paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 8, 233 - 238, 1922. | JFM
27.Fields of parallel vectors in the geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 8, 207 - 212, 1922. | JFM
28.Affine geometries of paths possessing an invariant integral. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 9, 4 - 7, 1923. | JFM
29.The geometry of paths and general relativity. Ann. of Math. 24, 367 - 392, 1923. | JFM
30.Geometries of paths for which the equations of the paths admit a quadratic first integral. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc 26, 378 - 384, 1924. | JFM
31.Riemannian Geometry. Princeton University Press, 1926. | JFM
32.Geometries of paths for which the equations of the paths admit n (n + l)/2 independent linear first integrals. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 28, 330 - 338, 1926. | JFM
33.Non Riemannian Geometry. Amer. Math. Soc. Coll. Public. VIII 1927. | Zbl | JFM
34.Projective normal coordinates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A, 16, 731 - 740, 1930. | JFM
35.Displacement in a geometry of paths which carries pats into paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 13, 38 - 42, 1927. | JFM
et 36.The Riemannian geometry and its generalisation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 8, 19 - 23, 1922. | JFM
et 37.Sur le caractère riemannien projectif du champ gravifique électromagnétique. C. R. Ac. Paris, 180, 127 - 130, 1925. | JFM
38.Vektorübertragung, Richtungsübertragung, Metrik. Math. Ann. 94, 101 - 118, 1925. | JFM
39.Géométrie projective différentielle. Paris, Gauthier - Villars, 1931. | Zbl | JFM
et 40.Uber verallgemeinerte projektive Geometrie. Prace mat. - fiz. Warszawa. 37, 91 - 153, 1930. | JFM
41.On the projective geometry of paths. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 5, 103 - 115, 1937. | JFM
42.Les espaces d'éléments à connexion projective normale (Thèse). Paris. Hermann, 1937. | Zbl | JFM
43.Beispiele zur Richtungsübertragung. Jahresbericht der D. M. V. 33, 93 - 95. 1924. | JFM
44.Sur les déplacements isohodoïques. L'Enseignement Math. 26, 84 - 97, 1927. | JFM
45.Bemerkung zur Arbeit von Herrn T. Y. Thomas "A projective theory of affinely connected manifolds". Math. Zeitschr. 28. 142 - 146, 1928. | JFM
46.Projektiven Invarianten einer Kurvenkongruenz und einer Kurve. Math. Zeitschr. 34, 58 - 73, 1931. | Zbl
47.Invariants projectifs différentiels d'une courbe dans l'espace projectif Pn-1 Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Roma. 16,109 - 114, 206 - 211, 299 - 304, 1932. | Zbl | JFM
48.Connexion projective et déplacement projectif. Ann. Mat. pura appl. 12, 217 - 294, 1933. | Zbl
49.Invariants projectifs d'une hypersurface. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo. 57. 402 - 430, 1933. | Zbl
50.Über eine Art der Punktkonnexion. Math. Zeitschr. 38, 135 - 145, 1934, | Zbl | JFM
51.. Espaces abstraits courbes de König. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 59, 1 - 39, 1933. | Zbl | JFM
52.Système complet des invariants différentiels projectifs d'une courbe dans un espace projectif courbe. Abhandlungen des Moskauer Seminar für Tensoranalysis 2 - 3 , 13 - 50, 1935. | JFM
53.Zur Theorie der Vektor - und Punktkonnexion. Praces mat. fiz. Warszawa. 39, 119- 129, 1932. | Zbl
et 54.Projective relativity and the quantum field. Phys. Review 37, 88 - 89, 1931. | JFM
55.Projective relativity and the Einstein - Mayer unified field theory. Phys. Review. 43, 615 - 619, 1933. | Zbl | JFM
et 56.Géométrie différentielle projective. Ryojun Coll. eng. 1931. | Zbl
57.Groups of collineations in a space of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 13, 396 - 400, 1927. | JFM
58.Collineations of projectively related affine connections. Ann. fo Math. 29, 389 - 394, 1928. | JFM
59.Beiträge zu einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre. Jahresbericht der D. W. V. 28, 213 - 228, 1920. | JFM
60.Der Absolute Differentialkalkül. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1928.
61.Normal coordinates in the geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 16 492 - 496, 1930. | JFM
62.Projective integral invariants attached to the trajectories of differential systems. Bull. Amer. Soc. 37, 447 - 454, 1931. | Zbl
63.A gauge - invariant tensor calculus. Proc. Royal Soc. 116, 603 - 623, 1927. | JFM
64.Über die Formulierung der Naturgesetze mit fünf homogenen Koordinaten. Ann. der Physik 18, 305 - 336, 1933. | Zbl | JFM
65.Note on projective coordinates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 14, 153 - 154, 1928. | JFM
66.On a problem in the theory of groups arising in the foundations of infinitesimal geometry. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 35, 686 - 690, 1929. | JFM
et 67.Der Ricci - Kalkül. Berlin Springer, 1921. | Zbl | JFM
68.Sur les connexions conformes et projectives de M. Cartan et la connexion linéaire générale de M. König. C. R. Ac. Paris 178, 2044 - 2046, 1924. | JFM
69.On the place of conformal and projective geometry in the theory of linear d splacements. Proc. Acad. Amsterdam 27,407 - 424, 1924.
70.On the condition of integrability of covariant differential equations. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 27, 441 - 473, 1925. | JFM
71.Erlanger Programm und Übertragungslehre. Neue Gesichtspunkte zur Grundlegung der Geometrie. Rend. Circolo Mat. Palermo 50, 142 - 169, 1926. | JFM
72.Über die Projektivkrümmung und Konformkrümmung halbsymmetrischer Übertragungen. Bull. Soc. Phys. Math. Kazan. 2, 90 - 98, 1924. | JFM
73.Projective and conformal invariants of half symmetrical connections. Proc. Akad. Amsterdam. 29, 334 - 336, 1926. | JFM
74.Über nicht - holonome Überlragungen in einer Ln. Math. Zeitschr 30, 1, 9 - 172, 1929. | JFM
75.Zur generellen Feldtheorie. Zeitschr, für Physik. 81, 129 - 138, 1931(G F. IV), 405 - 417 (G. F. V.); 84, 92 - 111, 1933 (G. F. VII). | JFM
76.La théorie projective de la relativité. Annales Inst. H. Poincaré 5, 51 - 88, 1933. | Zbl | JFM | Numdam
77.Über eine vierdimensionale Deutung der neusten Feldtheorie. Proc. Akad. Amsterdam 34, 1398 - 1407, 1931. | Zbl
et 78.Zum Unifizierungsproblem der Physik. Skizze einer generellen Feldtheorie. Proc. Akad. Amsterdam. 35, 642 - 655, 1932. | Zbl
et 79.Zur generellen Feldtbeorie (G. F. III). Zeitschr. für Physik. 78, 639 - 667, 1932. | Zbl | JFM
et 80.On projective connections and their application to the general field theory (G. F. VI). Ann. of Math. 34, 271 - 312, 1933. | JFM
et 81.Über projective Übertragungen und Ableitungen. I, Math. Zeitschr. 30, 149 - 172, 1929; II, Ann. Mat. pura appl. 8, 141 - 157, 1931 | JFM
et 82.Autogeodätische Linien und Weltlinien (G. F. VIII)Zeitschr. fur Physik. 89, 357 - 369, 1934. | Zbl | JFM
et 83.Zur allgemeinen projektiven Differentialgeometrie. Comp. Math. 3, 1 - 51, 1936. | Zbl | Numdam
et 84.Zur Theorie der allgemeinen linearen Übertragung. Math. Zeitschr, 30, 414 - 432, 1929. | JFM
et 85.Zur Einbettung - und Krümmungstheorie nicht - holonomer Gebilde. Math. Ann. 103, 752 - 783, 1930. | JFM
et 86.Einführung in die neueren Methoden der Differentialgeometrie. Groningen, Noordhoff, 1935. | Zbl | JFM
et 87.On the theory of linear displacement. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33, 523 - 564, 1927.
88.The theory of linear connections. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1934. | Zbl | JFM
89.Note on the projective geometry of paths. Proc. Nat, Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 11, 207 - 200, 1925. | JFM
90.On normal coordinates in the geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 12, 58 - 63, 1926. | JFM
91.First integrals in the geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 12, 117 - 124, 1926. | JFM
92.Asymmetric displacement of a vector. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 28, 658 - 670, 1926. | JFM
93.On the projective and equiprojective geometries of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 11, 199 - 203, 1925. | JFM
94.Announcement of a projective theory of affinely connected manifolds. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 11, 588 - 589, 1925. | JFM
95.On the equiprojective geometry of paths Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 11, 592 - 594, 1925. | JFM
96.Note on the projective geometry of paths. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31, 318 - 322, 1925. | JFM
97.A projective theory of affinely connected manifolds. Math. Zeitschr. 25, 723 - 733, 1926. | JFM
98.The replacement theorem and related questions in the projective geometry of paths. Ann. of Math. 28, 549 - 561, 1927. | JFM
99.Concerning the *G group of transformations. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 14, 728 - 734, 1928. | JFM
100.The differential invariants of generalized spaces. Cambridge University Press. 1935. | Zbl | JFM
101.On normal cooridnates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 22, 309 - 312, 1936.
102.Projective and affine geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 8, 347 - 350. 1922. | JFM
103.Normal coorinates for the geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 8, 192 - 197, 1922. | JFM
104.Equi-affine geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 9, 3 - 4, 1923. | JFM
105.Remarks on the foundation of geometry. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31, 121 - 141, 1925. | JFM
106.Invariants of quadratic differential forms. London Cambridge Tract. 1927. | JFM
107.Differential invariants and geometry. Atti Congresso Internazionale Bologna 1, 181 - 189. | JFM
108.Projective tensors and connections. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 14, 154 - 166, 1928. | JFM
109.Generalized projective geometry. Journal of London Math. Soc. 4, 140 - 160, 1929. | JFM
110.A generalisation of the quadratic differential form. The Quarterly Journal of Math. 1, 60 - 76, 1930. | JFM
111.Projektive Relativitätstheorie. Berlin Springer, 1933. | Zbl | JFM
112.Projective relativity. Physical Review, 36, 810 - 822, 1930. | JFM
et 113.Projective normal coordinates for the geometry of paths. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 11, 204 -207, 1925. | JFM
et 114.Projective invariants of affine geometry of paths. Ann. of Math. 27, 279 - 296. 1926. | JFM
et 115.The geometry of paths. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 25, 551 - 608, 1923. | JFM
et 116.Extensions of relative tensors. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 26, 373 - 377, 1924. | JFM
et 117.A set of axioms for differential geometry. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. 17, 551 -561, 1931. | Zbl
et 118.The foundations of differential geometry. London Cabridge Tract. 1932. | Zbl | JFM
et 119.Les espaces non holonomes. Memorial des Sc. Math. 1936. | Zbl | JFM | Numdam
120.Sur une théorie unitaire non holonome des champs physiques. Journal de Physique et le Radium 7, 514 - 526, 1936. | Zbl | JFM
121.Über projectiven Differentialinvarianten. VII. Proc. Akad. Amsterdam 35, 462 - 468, 1932. | Zbl | JFM
122.Über den Reduktionssatz bei affinem und projektivem ZusammenhangProc. Acad. Amsterdam. 35, 1220 - 1229, 1932. | Zbl | JFM
123.Zur Infinitesimalgeometrie. Einordnung der projektiven und der konformen Auffassung. Gött. Nachr. 99 - 112, 1921. | JFM
124.Temps, Espace, Matière. Paris Blanchard, 1922.
125.On the foundations of general infinitesimal geometry. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 35, 716 - 725, 1929. | JFM
126.A method of obtaining normal representations for a projective connection. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S. A. 16, 754 - 760, 1930. | JFM
127.On a class of projectively flat affine connections. Proc. London Math. Soc. 32, 93 - 114, 1931. | Zbl
128.The representation of projective spaces. Ann. of Math. 32, 327 - 360, 1931. | Zbl
129.On linear connections. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 33, 191 - 209, 1931. | Zbl
130.Convex regions in the geometry of paths. Quart- Journal Math. 3, 33 - 42, 1932. | Zbl | JFM
131.Affine spaces of paths, which are symmetric about each point. Math. Zeitschr. 35, 644 - 659, 1932. | Zbl
132.Sur le changement des coefficients d'une connexion projective. C. R. Acad. Paris 205, 637 - 639, 1937. | JFM
133.Sur les équations des géodésiques dans une variété à connexion projective. C. R. Ac. Paris 205, 829 - 831, 1937. | JFM
134.Sur la théorie unitaire non holonome des champs I, II, Proc. Phys Math. Soc. Japon. 19, 867 - 896, 945 - 976, 1937. | JFM
135.The non holonomic representation of projective spaces (sous presse). | Zbl | JFM