@article{SMS_1969-1970__1__A10_0, author = {Brauer, Wilfried}, title = {Automates topologiques et ensembles reconnaissables}, journal = {S\'eminaire Sch\"utzenberger}, note = {talk:18}, pages = {1--24}, publisher = {Secr\'etariat math\'ematique}, volume = {1}, year = {1969-1970}, mrnumber = {285395}, zbl = {0216.56601}, language = {fr}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/SMS_1969-1970__1__A10_0/} }
Brauer, Wilfried. Automates topologiques et ensembles reconnaissables. Séminaire Schützenberger, Problèmes mathématiques de la théorie des automates, Tome 1 (1969-1970), Exposé no. 18, 24 p. http://www.numdam.org/item/SMS_1969-1970__1__A10_0/
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