Affine Lie algebras and modular forms
Séminaire Bourbaki : vol. 1980/81, exposés 561-578, Séminaire Bourbaki, no. 23 (1981), Exposé no. 577, 19 p.
     author = {MacDonald, I. G.},
     title = {Affine {Lie} algebras and modular forms},
     booktitle = {S\'eminaire Bourbaki : vol. 1980/81, expos\'es 561-578},
     series = {S\'eminaire Bourbaki},
     note = {talk:577},
     pages = {258--276},
     publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
     number = {23},
     year = {1981},
     mrnumber = {647501},
     zbl = {0472.17006},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - MacDonald, I. G.
TI  - Affine Lie algebras and modular forms
BT  - Séminaire Bourbaki : vol. 1980/81, exposés 561-578
AU  - Collectif
T3  - Séminaire Bourbaki
N1  - talk:577
PY  - 1981
SP  - 258
EP  - 276
IS  - 23
PB  - Springer-Verlag
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - SB_1980-1981__23__258_0
ER  - 
%0 Book Section
%A MacDonald, I. G.
%T Affine Lie algebras and modular forms
%B Séminaire Bourbaki : vol. 1980/81, exposés 561-578
%A Collectif
%S Séminaire Bourbaki
%Z talk:577
%D 1981
%P 258-276
%N 23
%I Springer-Verlag
%G en
%F SB_1980-1981__23__258_0
MacDonald, I. G. Affine Lie algebras and modular forms, dans Séminaire Bourbaki : vol. 1980/81, exposés 561-578, Séminaire Bourbaki, no. 23 (1981), Exposé no. 577, 19 p.

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