Real-life Application of TeX and Adobe Acrobat for Electronic Publishing : a Handbook of Algebra and a Journal Archive
Cahiers GUTenberg, Actes de la Xe conférence TeX européenne, Saint-Malo, mars 1998, no. 28-29 (1998), pp. 72-81.

A classical way of using TeX in printed typesetting was enhanced for use of the same TeX source to publish electronically. A handbook of algebra and a 4-year journal archive (280 articles) were electronically published using the same TeX source files to produce both the PDF in a form for reading on-screen and a version for printing a hard copy. A package written in plain TeX provided for the mark-up of the logical structure, cross-references, bibliographical references, author names, keywords and symbols. The hypertext contents, index pages and a complete navigation system are also made in PDF and were pre-programmed at the TeX level. Being completely a PDF product the same publications are thus usable on any computer system for which a PDF viewer exists.

     author = {Burdulis, Sarunas and Statulevicius, Vytas},
     title = {Real-life {Application} of {TeX} and {Adobe} {Acrobat} for {Electronic} {Publishing} : a {Handbook} of {Algebra} and a {Journal} {Archive}},
     journal = {Cahiers GUTenberg},
     pages = {72--81},
     publisher = {Association GUTenberg},
     number = {28-29},
     year = {1998},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Burdulis, Sarunas
AU  - Statulevicius, Vytas
TI  - Real-life Application of TeX and Adobe Acrobat for Electronic Publishing : a Handbook of Algebra and a Journal Archive
JO  - Cahiers GUTenberg
PY  - 1998
SP  - 72
EP  - 81
IS  - 28-29
PB  - Association GUTenberg
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - CG_1998___28-29_72_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Burdulis, Sarunas
%A Statulevicius, Vytas
%T Real-life Application of TeX and Adobe Acrobat for Electronic Publishing : a Handbook of Algebra and a Journal Archive
%J Cahiers GUTenberg
%D 1998
%P 72-81
%N 28-29
%I Association GUTenberg
%G en
%F CG_1998___28-29_72_0
Burdulis, Sarunas; Statulevicius, Vytas. Real-life Application of TeX and Adobe Acrobat for Electronic Publishing : a Handbook of Algebra and a Journal Archive. Cahiers GUTenberg, Actes de la Xe conférence TeX européenne, Saint-Malo, mars 1998, no. 28-29 (1998), pp. 72-81.