En typographie numérique, une ligature correspond au remplacement de
Au mot ligature est aussi associée la notion de lien entre lettres manuscrites. Nous donnons alors quelques références sur les problèmes de simulation ou de reconnaissance de l’écriture manuscrite.
In digital typography a ligature consists in replacing n glyphs by a single glyph. This raises problems at keyboard level: how can two letters such as c and t be specified to be replaced by the ct ligature? How does the user know if the font in current use contains the necessary ligature? Is it possible to design a system in which the user does not have to deal with such problems? The present paper looks at such problems from the point of view of coding and font metrics.
The final section provides a brief introduBion to script ligatures and the related problems of handwriting simulation and recognition.
@article{CG_1995___22_61_0, author = {Andr\'e, Jacques}, title = {Ligatures & informatique}, journal = {Cahiers GUTenberg}, pages = {61--85}, publisher = {Association GUTenberg}, number = {22}, year = {1995}, language = {fr}, url = {http://www.numdam.org/item/CG_1995___22_61_0/} }
André, Jacques. Ligatures & informatique. Cahiers GUTenberg, Ligatures & caractères contextuels, no. 22 (1995), pp. 61-85. http://www.numdam.org/item/CG_1995___22_61_0/