This thesis deals with effective computation of meromorphic invariants of linear meromorphic differential systems. The question is double : what to compute ? How to do it ?
In part I we build a natural isomorphism between the (non abelian) cohomological classifying set of Malgrange-Sibuya and the product of Stokes groups. The proof proceeds by selecting in each cohomology class a special cochain which we call fundamental and it gives an explicit algorithm for this selection. The invariants to be computed appear then as the components of this fundamental cochain in a basis, which we fix, for the structure of finite linear affine space induced by this construction on the classifying set.
In addition, we prove some others consequences of both this isomorphism theorem and the constructivity of its proof: an abstract theory of summation for formal solutions of linear differential systems which coincides with the multisummation of Martinet-Ramis and then too, with the accelero-summation of Ecalle; the level-by-level factorization of formal solutions (Ramis) and the Galois properties of the corresponding Stokes matrices (Ramis et Deligne), obtained here through almost only pure algebra ; an explicit well-fitting correspondence betwween the cohomological classifying set of Malgrange-Sibuya and the savage of Ramis.
The second question, developped in part II, is algorithmic and numerical : the quantities to be computed being mainly transcendental we look forward approximate, yet informative, numerical values. After a brief description of the method by summation - a priori the most direct and natural method but still embarassed with serious problems of numerical stability (Thomann, Richard-Jung) - we detail our infinitesimal method which, though is does not always allow the calculation of all the invariants, except in dimension two, induces a very good numerical stability. The values appear as limits of linear recurrences. The stability seems to be related to good formal initial choices. We study extensively several examples in dimensions two and three.
@phdthesis{BJHTUP11_1991__0295__P0_0, author = {Loday-Richaud, Mich\`ele}, title = {Classification m\'eromorphe locale des syst\`emes diff\'erentiels lin\'eaires m\'eromorphes : ph\'enom\`ene de {Stokes} et applications}, series = {Th\`eses d'Orsay}, publisher = {Universit\'e de Paris-Sud Centre d'Orsay}, number = {295}, year = {1991}, language = {fr}, url = {} }
TY - BOOK AU - Loday-Richaud, Michèle TI - Classification méromorphe locale des systèmes différentiels linéaires méromorphes : phénomène de Stokes et applications T3 - Thèses d'Orsay PY - 1991 IS - 295 PB - Université de Paris-Sud Centre d'Orsay UR - LA - fr ID - BJHTUP11_1991__0295__P0_0 ER -
%0 Book %A Loday-Richaud, Michèle %T Classification méromorphe locale des systèmes différentiels linéaires méromorphes : phénomène de Stokes et applications %S Thèses d'Orsay %D 1991 %N 295 %I Université de Paris-Sud Centre d'Orsay %U %G fr %F BJHTUP11_1991__0295__P0_0
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