Some results on expanding mappings
Systèmes dynamiques II - Varsovie, Astérisque, no. 50 (1977), pp. 205-218.
     author = {Krzy\.zewski, K.},
     title = {Some results on expanding mappings},
     booktitle = {Syst\`emes dynamiques II - Varsovie},
     series = {Ast\'erisque},
     pages = {205--218},
     publisher = {Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique de France},
     number = {50},
     year = {1977},
     mrnumber = {494291},
     zbl = {0413.58017},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Krzyżewski, K.
TI  - Some results on expanding mappings
BT  - Systèmes dynamiques II - Varsovie
AU  - Collectif
T3  - Astérisque
PY  - 1977
SP  - 205
EP  - 218
IS  - 50
PB  - Société mathématique de France
UR  -
LA  - en
ID  - AST_1977__50__205_0
ER  - 
%0 Book Section
%A Krzyżewski, K.
%T Some results on expanding mappings
%B Systèmes dynamiques II - Varsovie
%A Collectif
%S Astérisque
%D 1977
%P 205-218
%N 50
%I Société mathématique de France
%G en
%F AST_1977__50__205_0
Krzyżewski, K. Some results on expanding mappings, dans Systèmes dynamiques II - Varsovie, Astérisque, no. 50 (1977), pp. 205-218.

[1] A. M. Garsia, Topics in almost everywhere convergence, Markham Publ., Chicago (1970). | MR | Zbl

[2] K. Krzyżewski, W. Szlenk, On invariant measures for expanding differentiable mappings, Studia Math., 33 (1969), 83-92. | DOI | EuDML | MR | Zbl

[3] K. Krzyżewski, On expanding mappings, Bull.Acad.Pol.Sci., 19 (1971), 23-24. | MR | Zbl

[4] K. Krzyżewski, On connection between expanding mappings and Markov chains, ibid, 19 (1971), 291-293. | MR | Zbl

[5] K. Krzyżewski, On a problem of Rohlin, ibid, 20 (1972), 207-210. | MR | Zbl

[6] K. Krzyżewski, A remark on expanding mappings, Coll.Math. (to appear). | EuDML | MR | Zbl

[7] K. Krzyżewski, On convergence to smooth invarinat measures for expanding mappings (to appear). | Zbl

[8] K. Krzyżewski, On analytic invariant measures for expanding mappings (to appear). | DOI | MR | Zbl

[9] M. Shub, Endomorphisms of compact differentiable manifolds, Amer.J.Math., 91 (1969), 175-199. | DOI | MR | Zbl