@incollection{AST_2009__328__45_0, author = {Bunke, Ulrich and Schick, Thomas}, title = {Smooth $K$-theory}, booktitle = {From probability to geometry (II) - Volume in honor of the 60th birthday of Jean-Michel Bismut}, editor = {Dai Xianzhe and L\'eandre R\'emi and Xiaonan Ma and Zhang Weiping}, series = {Ast\'erisque}, pages = {45--135}, publisher = {Soci\'et\'e math\'ematique de France}, number = {328}, year = {2009}, zbl = {1202.19007}, language = {en}, url = {https://www.numdam.org/item/AST_2009__328__45_0/} }
TY - CHAP AU - Bunke, Ulrich AU - Schick, Thomas TI - Smooth $K$-theory BT - From probability to geometry (II) - Volume in honor of the 60th birthday of Jean-Michel Bismut AU - Collectif ED - Dai Xianzhe ED - Léandre Rémi ED - Xiaonan Ma ED - Zhang Weiping T3 - Astérisque PY - 2009 SP - 45 EP - 135 IS - 328 PB - Société mathématique de France UR - https://www.numdam.org/item/AST_2009__328__45_0/ LA - en ID - AST_2009__328__45_0 ER -
%0 Book Section %A Bunke, Ulrich %A Schick, Thomas %T Smooth $K$-theory %B From probability to geometry (II) - Volume in honor of the 60th birthday of Jean-Michel Bismut %A Collectif %E Dai Xianzhe %E Léandre Rémi %E Xiaonan Ma %E Zhang Weiping %S Astérisque %D 2009 %P 45-135 %N 328 %I Société mathématique de France %U https://www.numdam.org/item/AST_2009__328__45_0/ %G en %F AST_2009__328__45_0
Bunke, Ulrich; Schick, Thomas. Smooth $K$-theory, dans From probability to geometry (II) - Volume in honor of the 60th birthday of Jean-Michel Bismut, Astérisque, no. 328 (2009), pp. 45-135. https://www.numdam.org/item/AST_2009__328__45_0/
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