Affine Nash groups over real closed fields
Confluentes Mathematici, Tome 3 (2011) no. 4, pp. 577-585.
Publié le :
DOI : 10.1142/S179374421100045X
     author = {Hrushovski, Ehud and Pillay, Anand},
     title = {Affine {Nash} groups over real closed fields},
     journal = {Confluentes Mathematici},
     pages = {577--585},
     publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd},
     volume = {3},
     number = {4},
     year = {2011},
     doi = {10.1142/S179374421100045X},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Hrushovski, Ehud
AU  - Pillay, Anand
TI  - Affine Nash groups over real closed fields
JO  - Confluentes Mathematici
PY  - 2011
SP  - 577
EP  - 585
VL  - 3
IS  - 4
PB  - World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
UR  -
DO  - 10.1142/S179374421100045X
LA  - en
ID  - CML_2011__3_4_577_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Hrushovski, Ehud
%A Pillay, Anand
%T Affine Nash groups over real closed fields
%J Confluentes Mathematici
%D 2011
%P 577-585
%V 3
%N 4
%I World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
%R 10.1142/S179374421100045X
%G en
%F CML_2011__3_4_577_0
Hrushovski, Ehud; Pillay, Anand. Affine Nash groups over real closed fields. Confluentes Mathematici, Tome 3 (2011) no. 4, pp. 577-585. doi : 10.1142/S179374421100045X.

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