Asymptotic equivalence for inhomogeneous jump diffusion processes and white noise
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Tome 19 (2015), pp. 560-577.

We prove the global asymptotic equivalence between the experiments generated by the discrete (high frequency) or continuous observation of a path of a time inhomogeneous jump-diffusion process and a Gaussian white noise experiment. Here, the parameter of interest is the drift function and the observation time T can be both bounded or diverging. The approximation is given in the sense of the Le Cam Δ-distance, under some smoothness conditions on the unknown drift function. These asymptotic equivalences are established by constructing explicit Markov kernels that can be used to reproduce one experiment from the other.

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DOI : 10.1051/ps/2015005
Classification : 62B15, 62G20, 60G51, 62C20
Mots clés : Non-parametric experiments, Le Cam distance, asymptotic equivalence, Lévy processes, additive processes, white noise
Mariucci, Ester 1

1 Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, 51 rue des Mathématiques, 38041 Grenoble cedex 09, France.
     author = {Mariucci, Ester},
     title = {Asymptotic equivalence for inhomogeneous jump diffusion processes and white noise},
     journal = {ESAIM: Probability and Statistics},
     pages = {560--577},
     publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
     volume = {19},
     year = {2015},
     doi = {10.1051/ps/2015005},
     mrnumber = {3433426},
     zbl = {1331.62058},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Mariucci, Ester
TI  - Asymptotic equivalence for inhomogeneous jump diffusion processes and white noise
JO  - ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
PY  - 2015
SP  - 560
EP  - 577
VL  - 19
PB  - EDP-Sciences
UR  -
DO  - 10.1051/ps/2015005
LA  - en
ID  - PS_2015__19__560_0
ER  - 
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%T Asymptotic equivalence for inhomogeneous jump diffusion processes and white noise
%J ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
%D 2015
%P 560-577
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%I EDP-Sciences
%R 10.1051/ps/2015005
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Mariucci, Ester. Asymptotic equivalence for inhomogeneous jump diffusion processes and white noise. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Tome 19 (2015), pp. 560-577. doi : 10.1051/ps/2015005.

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