An algebraic theory of order
ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique, Special issue on Numerical ODEs today, Tome 43 (2009) no. 4, pp. 607-630.

In this paper, we present an abstract framework which describes algebraically the derivation of order conditions independently of the nature of differential equations considered or the type of integrators used to solve them. Our structure includes a Hopf algebra of functions, whose properties are used to answer several questions of prime interest in numerical analysis. In particular, we show that, under some mild assumptions, there exist integrators of arbitrarily high orders for arbitrary (modified) vector fields.

DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2009029
Classification : 05E99, 17B99, 93B25, 65L99
Mots-clés : order conditions, Hopf algebra, group of abstract integration schemes, Lie algebra, composition
     author = {Chartier, Philippe and Murua, Ander},
     title = {An algebraic theory of order},
     journal = {ESAIM: Mod\'elisation math\'ematique et analyse num\'erique},
     pages = {607--630},
     publisher = {EDP-Sciences},
     volume = {43},
     number = {4},
     year = {2009},
     doi = {10.1051/m2an/2009029},
     mrnumber = {2542867},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
AU  - Chartier, Philippe
AU  - Murua, Ander
TI  - An algebraic theory of order
JO  - ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique
PY  - 2009
SP  - 607
EP  - 630
VL  - 43
IS  - 4
PB  - EDP-Sciences
UR  -
DO  - 10.1051/m2an/2009029
LA  - en
ID  - M2AN_2009__43_4_607_0
ER  - 
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%A Murua, Ander
%T An algebraic theory of order
%J ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique
%D 2009
%P 607-630
%V 43
%N 4
%I EDP-Sciences
%R 10.1051/m2an/2009029
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Chartier, Philippe; Murua, Ander. An algebraic theory of order. ESAIM: Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique, Special issue on Numerical ODEs today, Tome 43 (2009) no. 4, pp. 607-630. doi : 10.1051/m2an/2009029.

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